The last video of my central american cichlids.
The tank is empty now because I need to catch them all out, except for the Vieja Argentea.
Tank will be dedicated for a larger group of Argentea’s as of tomorow.
The last video of my central american cichlids.
The tank is empty now because I need to catch them all out, except for the Vieja Argentea.
Tank will be dedicated for a larger group of Argentea’s as of tomorow.
The Altum Peru, or Peruvian. (Angelfish).
Not really a Altum but a Scalare. (Pterophyllum scalare)
A peaceful fish that can be combined in any community tank with other peaceful, medium to large sized fishes. Do not combine with small fishes for these will likely be eaten. Angels can be kept in a pair or in a group. For pairing, raise a group of individuals from youth, and select a pair that forms. The aquarium should be set up with large plants, driftwood and roots for hiding places, but leave an open area for swimming. The fish is a hardy fish recommended for beginners. The height of the aquarium should be at least 50 cm (20″).
The fish is omnivorous. You should give them a great variety of live, frozen and dry food.
Breeding is rather easy. In soft acidic water up to 1000 eggs are laid on a leaf of a plant or on any other flat substrate. Both parents take care of the fry. After about 60 hours the eggs hatch and another 5 days later the young fishes are swimming free. The best thing to feed the youngsters is newly hatched baby brine shrimp.
More pictures here: Scalare
Fish: discus (green tefe) a couple of peruvian angels, rummynoses and more
Green discus from Rio Tefe (symphysodon aequifasciatus aequifasciatus)
introduction of hemigrammus bleheri in my tank. (Rummy Nose?)
At the end of the clip you can see how they seem to cling on the windows, kind of strange…
Introduction of 50 corydoras sterbai into my tank.
hemigrammus rodwayi, gold tetra’s
Warning, might be boring 🙂
static position and image.
And yes, next time I’ll turn off the TV 🙂
Guess whats on tv for a bonus.
The music sucks, youtube forced me to remove my original choice of music